The way we do this is by utilising “best practise” which comes from the over 30 years of collective experience in compliance and insurance broking processes.
Compliance Reviews
Bardins conducts compliance reviews to assist your AR’s to maintain their duty to clients and their clients situation in relation to personal circumstance and risk. Bardins compliance reviews enable your organisation to assess its compliance function and identify gaps. Bardins can provide an implementation plan to address gaps and advise broking best practice.
We review your Exceptions reports relevant to FSG’s, PDS’s, premiums held in trust, unconfirmed endorsements, quotes, refunds due, closing actions etc. Have the debtor reports and aging premiums listings been actioned? Additionally, we confirm system set-up and make suggestions for best practise where applicable.
We select and review a random sampling of invoices to ensure adherence to company policy
We examine client and policy data and check that general file maintenance has been correctly undertaken. This includes client communication and document filing
We check for correct client file logging, including file notes and communication according to company policy
We want to ensure proper filing of insurer communication, documentation, file notes and confirmed actions as discussed with clients
We are here to help you run your business and increase your efficiency
Many aspects of the accounting and compliance software currently employed in insurance broking are not utilised fully. Compliance reviews disclose gaps in operations and in identifying these gaps we are able to help you, not only utilise the software you already use more efficiently, but in doing so we can help you and your staff save time in conducting your business. This can save you money through increased efficiencies.
Website Reviews
Bardins will review your AR’s web site and any linked documents (FSG, PDS, Privacy, Disclaimers) for compliance with ASIC and Steadfast Broker Network requirements under s923 Corporations Act (2001).